Create a Teacher Job Network Account

  1. Click the Create on the TJN Home Screen at

    An image highlighting the Create button that you click on to start a Create a Teacher Job Network Account.

  2. On the next screen, enter required information.
    Please Note the  An image showing a left pointing arrow on a blue background means you are required to enter information.
    Be careful to enter your SSN correctly, as the SSN cannot be altered once entered.

  3. Create a User ID of your choosing.
    Be sure to follow specifications: must be between 6 and 12 characters...
    Your password must have at least one instance from three of the four following character types
    - Upper Case Letter
    - Lower Case Letter
    - Numeric Digit
    - "Special Character" !@#$%^&+=*

    An image highlighting the Teacher Job Network Registration Information window.